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Young Leaders

At Halterworth we believe it is important that our pupils develop strong leadership skills and are able to 'have a voice' in their school community. One of our key goals is to encourage our children to live comfortably with difference. This means that we may not always agree with the views of someone else  but we want to teach our children to show respect and choose their words carefully when expressing opinions.


To achieve this, every class will engage in debates and children are given opportunities to participate in leadership roles.


We are looking forward to welcoming back the older members of the community on a regular basis for lunch, in our outreach project known as Food & Friends. The children engage in conversation and play games with our valued visitors.

School Council

One child is elected by their peers each year to represent their class at regular School Council meetings. The children take part in a range of opportunities to improve their school. They are continuously working to support charities, selected through a whole-school democratic process.

The Green Team

One child from every class is elected by their peers to represent them at meetings where they undertake a range of environmental tasks. This group is led by Mrs Martin, a Volunteer Sustainability Officer and a parent from our school.


Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO)

A small number of KS2 pupils are chosen and trained to become Junior Road safety Officers. They undertake special duties such as leading assemblies and promoting road safety awareness amongst their peers such as posters and mascot designs.


Cyber Ambassadors

This group of children applied to become Cyber Ambassadors who take responsibility for ICT around the school and online safety. In addition, school prefects operate the assembly IT system, take photos for publications, help to keep their peers safe online and keep resources organised.  


Sports Ambassadors

Four Year 6 pupils have been elected by their peers to be trained Sports Leaders who promote physical activity and arrange sports competitions in school.


School Prefects

Year 6 pupils apply to take on the role of prefects which includes responsibilities such as supporting teachers, helping with school tours and modelling the behaviour and conduct that we want to see around school. 
